Cartilage Restoration: The Modern Joint Pain Solution

Joint pain is not only a common condition in the United States: it can also be a serious hindrance in athletic activity as well as everyday life. An estimated two million Americans experience joint pain associated with cartilage injuries each year. Cartilage injuries can be debilitating; historically, standard surgical options have only offered limited and temporary relief. Only the most more »

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Common Back Pain Causes and Conditions

Back pain is one of the most frequently-reported issues among patients visiting doctor’s offices. In fact, back problems are the second most-common reason patients visit medical practitioners. At Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute, our orthopedic specialists each specialize in care and treatment for specific parts of the body. The back is among those most commonly studied and treated at more »

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Health and Wellness in the New Year

The New Year is in full swing, and already 2015 is shaping up to be a fantastic time at AOSMI. As we continue to improve our practice and streamline our operations to provide more efficient service, we’re able to give our patients care at the highest available standard of quality. Many of our patients are implementing resolutions that have to more »

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Hand and Wrist Health: Carpal Tunnel Prevention

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a common ailment that affects many typical employees at sedentary desk jobs. Working at a keyboard for long stretches of time can place significant strain on the hands and wrists, sometimes resulting in the onset of this troublesome condition. Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by compression of the median nerve as it travels from the forearm more »

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Stay Healthy in the Workplace

Many professionals in the workforce today do not have jobs that seem immediately hazardous to an employee’s health. While there are workers who spend entire workdays on their feet or regularly enter dangerous situations to complete required workplace tasks, most modern staff members might not imagine that their working conditions could affect their health. It may come as a surprise, more »

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Browse the AOSMI Orthopedic Library

At AOSMI, our service to our patients goes beyond the walls of our practice. Our surgeons match their focus on highly skilled and innovative procedures with a dedication to patient outreach and education. With the assistance of our team, comprised of the best trained and most qualified medical professionals from a wide range of fields, we’ve put together a number more »

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Physical Therapy for Athletes

Sports medicine is a major focus of the team at Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute. From preventative care and education to extensive treatment and surgery, our professionals strive to ensure that every patient who visits can enjoy athletic pursuits and lead fulfilling, active lives. While our practitioners are often best regarded for their expertise in surgery, much more than more »

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Dr. Nasar Speaks to Community About Exercise and Joint Preservation

The orthopedic specialists at AOSMI often go out into their local community to share their expertise. Recently Dr. Nasar helped spread the word on the importance of joint preservation and physical activity at the Freehold Senior Center. The event, which was attended by Dana Higley from the Joint Center and Samaris Tassinaro from The Manor, covered topics like arthritis, diet, exercise more »

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Patients Give Dr. Goldberg Laudatory Reviews on

AOSMI ‘s Dr. Goldberg has received excellent reviews from patients that he treated. The reviews for the orthopedic surgeon on highlight his skill and professionalism. D.r Goldberg specializes in spine surgery with training at the Leatherman Spine Institute. He is particularly interested in degenerative diseases of the cervical and lumbar spine, tumors, fractures, infections and scoliosis. Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery is a more »

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