AOSMI Now Offers Bioinductive Implants to Treat Rotator Cuff Disease


Rotator cuff disease is one of the most common causes of shoulder pain, limiting the mobility of those who have it and reducing their quality of life. It progresses over time, causing small tears to grow in size and severity, eventually requiring surgery. Until now, surgeons have had limited ability to mend rotator cuff injuries at early stages of degeneration. And, when surgery is performed, it typically involves suturing tendon to bone – a procedure that leads to a long recovery time and variable outcomes.

A New Solution

At Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute, we now offer a new technology that is designed to improve the treatment of rotator cuff disease. It is a porous collagen-based Bioinductive Implant that is about the size of a postage stamp. It is delivered arthroscopically through a small incision over the location of the rotator cuff tendon injury before it is secured in place using small staples.

After it is embedded, the implant – which is derived from highly purified bovine Achilles tendon – stimulates the body’s natural healing response to facilitate new tendon growth and disrupt the progression of the disease. Within six months, the implant is eventually absorbed by the body, leaving a new layer of tendon-like tissue to supplement the existing tendon.

What Are the Benefits?

There are several important reasons why REGENETEN offers a better alternative to invasive standard rotator cuff surgery, such as:

  • Shorter rehabilitation
  • Faster recovery
  • Less risk of the rotator cuff re-tearing

Furthermore, the Bioinductive Implant can provide these benefits no matter how far rotator cuff disease has progressed – so it’s never too late to start the road to recovery.

Contact the Professionals at AOSMI Today

AOSMI has two facilities in New Jersey – one located in Monroe Township and another in Freehold – where we provide world-class treatment for a range of orthopedic conditions, including rotator cuff pain. If you elect to receive a Bioinductive Implant, your procedure will be performed by a highly experienced, skilled, and board-certified surgeon, so you can feel confident you’re in good hands. Contact us today to learn more or schedule your appointment.

Find your Provider

Michael J. Greller, MD, MBA, CPE, FAAOS

Stacey Gallacher, MD, FAAOS


Wesley Nesbit, DPM

Joseph Tauro, MD