Featured Video Testimonials

Gail talks about her experience with bilateral DA hip replacement performed by Dr. Alan Nasar. She talks about her quick recovery and why she chose the direct anterior approach.

Nadine has a history of severe shoulder pain. She was treated by Dr. Michael J. Greller with an arthroscopic shoulder reconstruction. This procedure is less invasive than open shoulder surgery and achieved an excellent result with restoration of function. Nadine describes her experience with Dr. Greller who has treated her for multiple problems, all with outstanding results.

Ray had a right reverse shoulder replacement performed by Alan S. Nasar, MD one month prior to this video. He talks about the surgery and recovery. He shows off his excellent motion and function.
Featured Written Testimonials
Vidya S.
Dear Dr. Nasar:
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you personally for your extraordinary care, professionalism, and great hands that you are blessed with.
Mike F.

Dr. Banzon,
Almost 19 years ago a scared young couple came into your office in Freehold with a problem. Their daughter had been born with a deformity of her lower legs that caused them to bow inward badly. That couple was me and my wife Colleen. We didn’t know what to expect and were terrified that she’d have a lifetime of discomfort or difficulty because of this condition.
Doctor Testimonials
See what our patients are saying about our doctors and surgeons:
- Michael J. Greller, MD, FAAOS
- Gregg S. Berkowitz, MD, FAAOS
- Gerardo Goldberger, DO FAOAO
- Manuel T. Banzon, MD, FAAOS
- James F. Cozzarelli, MD, FAAOS
- Alan S. Nasar, MD, FAAOS
- Grigory Goldberg, MD, FAAOS
- Neil Paulvin, DO
- Alison DeWaters, DPM
- Naimish Baxi, MD
Body Area Testimonials
Listen to our patients and what they are saying about their experience with different body parts and how AOSMI helped them recover.
Hand and Wrist
Elbow and Arm
Foot and Ankle
Other Areas