
Athlete Approved Alternative Medicine

A common misconception holds that some alternative medicine techniques look more like they’d hurt than help! Lean on the expertise of medical professionals when deciding what treatments are the real deal. Graston Technique – AKA The “Medieval Looking” Technique Michael Phelps Swears By The Graston Technique involves pressing metal instruments of various sizes. These instruments are combed over painful areas more »

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How Bad Is Too Bad When It Comes to Bunions?

There’s a lot to love about sandal season. Visible bunions? Not so much. The silver lining is that this may be the wake up call some need to address a potentially serious problem. What is a bunion? A bunion occurs when the big toe begins to grow inward toward the second toe, pushing the joint of the big toe out. more »

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Make This The Summer of Sports Leagues

Participating in athletics can offer myriad benefits to your physical and emotional well-being, but sports injuries can be serious business. Wearing proper equipment and understanding how to assess and treat minor injuries helps minimize the risks associated with athletics. In the meantime, why not suit up and hit the field/court/track of your choosing by joining a local recreational league this more »

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Seven Ways to Keep Your Kids Safer at Summer Sports

From softball games to swimming lessons, summer is the most fun and most active time of the year. The flip side is that increased activity means increased opportunities for sports related injuries, especially those affecting the joints and bones. Minimize the risks for your family with these tips. Schedule a Physical While most school sponsored teams require players to have more »

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Patricia W.

Dr. Greller I personally know you are an extremely good surgeon. You care about the whole person. That is a great quality in a doctor. Your P.T. department proves that. Peter’s the best. My going from the hospital after my knee replacement to them was the best thing I did. I’d do it again. No regrets! I am so grateful more »

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What You Need to Know About Ankle Sprains

The foot and ankle are an extremely complex structure that allows us to adapt to the forces of the ground and propels us forward. The bones, joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons work intricately together to allow for shock absorption and motion. Unfortunately, such a finely tuned system ends up overused, causing foot and ankle pain. The most common condition affecting more »

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Rose K

Dr. Cozzarelli, I want to thank you for doing such a wonderful job on my shoulder and giving me my arm back! I pretty much can do everything now with only a few adjustments. Thank you again. Yours sincerely, Rose K

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Joint Replacement: Treatment Options

Arthritis is one of the most common reasons patients reach out to our experts for advice and treatment. This painful and sometimes debilitating condition wears away the smooth cartilage that lines the body’s joints. Without this cartilage, joints cannot move as smoothly, restricting the body’s mobility and sometimes causing pain or discomfort. Arthritis most commonly affects the hips, knees, and more »

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Antibiotic Prophylaxis after Total Joint Replacement (TJR)

“Hey Doc, how come you’re prescribing antibiotics for me prior to dental work, when my dentist told me that is an old practice?” The use of antibiotics as prophylaxis, disease prevention agent, prior to dental work on patients after a total joint replacement (TJR), has been an issue of confusion among patients, doctors and dentists. Traditionally, orthopedic surgeons recommend coverage more »

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