Stay Safe and Healthy in Winter Conditions

Winter conditions can arrive suddenly and present a major mobility challenge for those with ongoing health conditions. Even the most active and mobile individuals can suffer accidental injury when dealing with ice, snow, and inclement weather. In order to preserve good orthopedic health, those working or traveling outside during winter months should take some extra precautions. First and foremost: be more »

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Put Your Best Foot Forward: Podiatry and Orthopedic Health

Every part of the body requires special care and attention to ensure optimal function and maintain good health, but the feet demand an extra degree of focused care. Feet are under constant stress, supporting the body at its base and controlling the fundamentals of locomotion. AOSMI’s statistics suggest that 80% of adults will experience some type of pain or disability more »

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Being Injured and Not Being Hurt

At Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute, providing the highest standard of care to every individual patient is our top priority. Our professionals work tirelessly to ensure that each procedure not only treats injuries and restores function, but also rebuilds confidence, inspires a sense of security, and creates trust. We regularly receive positive feedback and find testimonials from our patients more »

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Stress Fractures

What are the signs of a fracture (broken bone) in the foot? Severe pain, swelling and redness are the obvious answers. Many fractures occur when the something traumatic happens to the foot. For example, a heavy box dropping on it or falling down stairs can cause foot fractures. However, not all foot fractures are obvious. A stress fracture is a more »

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Common Causes of Foot Injuries

Foot injuries often occur when the feet are subjected to vigorous and repetitive overuse or trauma resulting from auto or work accidents. Prolonged standing on inflexible surfaces or excessive running can inflame the plantar fasciitis tissues that extend to form the foot’s arch. Injury to the medial longitudinal arch, one of three arches vital to supporting the foot, may happen more »

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Podiatry And Diabetic Care at AOSMI

When it comes to living a functional and happy life with diabetes, effective foot care is vital. Podiatrists are acutely aware of the unique needs of diabetics and the foot and ankle orthopedic specialists at AOSMI are ready, able, and eager to ease the discomforts of living with diabetes. Studies have shown that, with or without diabetes, nearly 80 percent of Americans more »

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Bunions: Bigger Than They Look

At the simplest level, bunions are a deformed growth in a bone at the base of the big toe. Aside from being visually unattractive, bunions can make it almost unbearable to wear shoes, walk any real distance or carry on with your usual activities. As summer approaches us, many are looking down and feeling the pain. Perhaps you are in more »

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Can You Benefit from Cartilage Replacement Surgery?

Can You Benefit from Cartilage Replacement Surgery? Chances are you probably won’t give much thought to the protective cartilage that cushions your bones until it wears down to the point that it becomes raw and painful. Each year, thousands of people must undergo surgery to repair torn cartilage because the pain interferes with their daily lives. Repair usually means shaving more »

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Common Injuries from Winter Recreation

With winter upon us, many people participate in activities such as snow skiing, snowboarding, and ice skating. The very conditions that make these activities possible and enjoyable, reduced friction, also make falls and injuries very common. Winter sports injuries get a lot of attention at hospital emergency rooms and doctor’s offices, and include sprains, strains, dislocations and fractures (broken bones). more »

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