Stay Safe and Healthy in Winter Conditions

knee replacementWinter conditions can arrive suddenly and present a major mobility challenge for those with ongoing health conditions. Even the most active and mobile individuals can suffer accidental injury when dealing with ice, snow, and inclement weather. In order to preserve good orthopedic health, those working or traveling outside during winter months should take some extra precautions. First and foremost: be careful where and how you walk. Keep a watchful eye out for icy or slippery areas, and take shorter or slower steps to minimize the risk of losing your balance. You can also mitigate some of the dangers of the coldest months by investing in the right footwear: boots or shoes that offer better traction can ensure stability as well as comfort by keeping out snow and rain. Stay mindful of your surroundings.

There are other health risks particular to winter that deserve consideration when planning or enjoying activities in the cold season. Don’t over-exert yourself in outdoor winter activities such as skiing and snowboarding, as excessive strenuous activity in cold temperatures can put you at risk for hypothermia. Winter is a fantastic time of year for enjoying activity as well as gathering with loved ones: keep some basic safety tips in mind and you can stay healthy throughout the season to make the most of the holidays and beyond.