Can You Benefit from Cartilage Replacement Surgery?

Can You Benefit from Cartilage Replacement Surgery? Chances are you probably won’t give much thought to the protective cartilage that cushions your bones until it wears down to the point that it becomes raw and painful. Each year, thousands of people must undergo surgery to repair torn cartilage because the pain interferes with their daily lives. Repair usually means shaving more »

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Summer Safety Tips

Summer is a time for fun. The sun is shining and there are countless outdoor activities for you to enjoy. Whether your activity of choice is swimming, running, or cycling, it is important to know how to enjoy yourself safely, as increased exercise often leads to increased chance of injury. The following tips will help you get the most out more »

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Diego and Transformer dolls help children learn about bones

No bones about it,an early education is key to a life of good health and safety.That is exactly what Alan Nasar, M.D., brought to the first-grade class of Mrs.Devorah Grosz and the pre-K class of Mrs.Karen Shapiro at Hillel Yeshiva Elementary School, Ocean, during recent presentations for Health and Safety Week. READ MORE.

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