Gabe Gurman, standing in his dining room, is examined by Dr. Michael Greller for a back injury during a telemedicine visit.
Telemedicine visits – a simple and safe option for orthopedic patients
For patients and providers at Avanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute (AOSMI), telemedicine visits have become a new normal for patient care. Gabe Gurman, a patient at AOSMI, recently had a telemedicine visit with board-certified orthopedic surgeon Dr. Michael Greller for a back injury during the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to coronavirus safety restrictions and the limited mobility caused by his back pain, the telemedicine visit turned out to be a perfect option for Gabe to get the medical care he needed.
Telemedicine is like seeing the doctor in person
The benefits of telemedicine
Another plus for patients is that telemedicine visits are covered by insurance and Medicare. For patients who have Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey, the insurance company is waiving out of pocket expenses for telemedicine visits during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ironically, Gabe is the co-founder of an HR technology company where his entire workforce is remote. Having led a remote team for the past four years, he says he’s a “big proponent of remote work” and expects more businesses to use it in future. “Everything is remote now,” he says. It certainly is in his household — three of his four grown children are home from college and completing their courses online.
As for his remote healthcare experience, “I’m 100 percent satisfied,” Gabe says.
Dr. Michael Greller watches Gabe Gurman perform various movements to assess his back pain during a telemedicine visit.