The Benefits of Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair Over Traditional Surgery

A rotator cuff tear can significantly limit the functionality of your shoulder, making effective treatment a must. Two of the most commonly considered options for treatment include arthroscopic rotator cuff repair and traditional surgery. Below, we are providing some key information about why the former is often the better choice for patients suffering from this type of injury.

A Less Invasive Approach

Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair is minimally invasive. This procedure is conducted using a thin tube equipped with a camera and light that is inserted into small incisions. In contrast to traditional surgery, which requires a larger incision, this approach involves much less trauma to the surrounding tissues.

Shorter Recovery Time

Because the incisions are so small in arthroscopy, there is less to recover from. This in turn means lower levels of postoperative pain, a swift transition into the rehabilitation process, and a quicker return to full functionality.

Increased Precision

The cutting-edge instruments and high-definition cameras used in arthroscopy make it possible for surgeons to work in a more precise manner when repairing rotator cuff tendons. The camera offers a clear view of the interior of the joint, providing a new perspective that simply isn’t achievable with traditional surgery. As a result, this type of treatment often leads to more successful outcomes.

Could You Benefit From This Advanced Surgical Technique?

At AOSMI, we possess ample experience with diagnosing and treating rotator cuff tears, and we can help determine which route to recovery is right for you. We offer a wide variety of both conservative and surgical treatments, including arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. Reach out to us today to learn more about our services and state-of-the-art facilities.