As an athlete, do you feel you have “hit the glass ceiling” for your performance or do you feel you are having a problem with your overall mobility? It could be that you have an issue in your movement pattern that is holding you back. To figure out what area is holding you back, we suggest having a Functional Movement Screen or Selective Functional Movement Assessment performed.
A Functional Movement Screen, or FMS, is designed to evaluate your movement patterns to spot asymmetries, irregularities, or other areas for improvement. A Selective Functional Movement Assessment, or SFMA, provides similar information but in more detail, and can only be performed by a medical professional (whereas an FMS can be performed by any fitness professional). Both methodologies can be extremely helpful for athletes at any level–read on to learn why!
Harm Reduction
SFMA and FMS evaluations both use a series of exercises–such as asking a participant to touch their toes–to assess flexibility, strength, range of motion, balance, and more. During these evaluations, a professional can spot asymmetries in ability, which in turn can help them identify exercises which put too much strain on weaker or stiffer areas of the body.
SFMA and FMS evaluations can spot where motion–such as walking or running–is less efficient. For example, you may favor one side in your strides. After spotting these inconsistencies, the evaluator can provide exercises to correct them, such as strengthening exercises geared toward a weaker ankle.
Opportunity For Group Classes
Many of the most modern sports medicine practices, including ASOMI, offer small group classes based on patient evaluations. These classes give participants the chance to reap the benefits of being part of a group in an environment where their specific physical abilities and needs are understood and addressed.
Interested in scheduling an evaluation? Contact ASOMI to request an appointment!