Gear Up For Back To School

Back to school is just around the corner! Gear up for a healthy, happy school year with these tips:


Mother holding hand of little son with backpack outdoors, back to school
Mother holding hand of little son with backpack outdoors, back to school


Start Experimenting With Lunches Now

Once the school year begins, it can be easy to stick with tried and true or prepackaged favorites. Check out this healthy school lunch recipe list, and try incorporating some of the foods in with current meals to figure out which could be lunch hits. Once you have some healthy winners down, it’s easier to prepare them in big batches so that lunches for the week ahead are a cinch–it’ll be more convenient than ever to give your kid a nutritious meal!


Lessen the Load

A heavy, overloaded backpack puts stress on your joints, bones and muscles–all the way down to your toes. Help alleviate that stress by sticking with a style that disperses weight evenly–i.e. a traditional backpack with the straps firmly on both shoulders. If it seems like this year’s supplies are especially hefty, consider a rolling backpack.


Create a Sick Day Team

Sick days are rough. Make things a little simpler by organizing a team of parents and sitters who can help each other out in a pinch to avoid any “can’t leave the office” emergencies.


Update The Emergency Info Card

If you’ve moved or changed numbers over the summer, it’s especially important to make sure you update your child’s emergency contact card. Make sure the school has one copy, and give one to you child as well.


Get back on a Sound Sleep Schedule

Sleep deprivation can make kids more vulnerable to illness and injury. Start easing them into a school sleep schedule at least a week prior to the first day of classes. Make sure to address any issues that may be interfering with sleep. If the long days of summer mean their room is still bright at bedtime, consider investing in sun blocking curtains.



Does your child have any injuries that need to be examined? Request an appointment today!