Tips For Dealing With Arthritis During the Summer

For most people, summer means picnics on the beach, pool parties, and days spent enjoying the great outdoors. For those suffering from arthritis, summer can mean increased symptoms and the need for a higher level of vigilance and protection. New Jersey pain management specialists offer up a few simple tips for managing your arthritis during the summer months. These include more »

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Cartilage Injury and Regeneration

A common condition in the United States, joint pain can be a serious hindrance to athletic activity as well as everyday life. An estimated two million American experience joint pain associated with cartilage injuries each year. Cartilage injuries can be debilitating and only the most modern methods of treatment can restore cartilage, minimize pain and relieve discomfort for patients of more »

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How to Prevent Orthopedic Injuries

Quick quiz! What’s the most important system in the body in terms of physical well-being? If you said muscles, you aren’t too far off. In fact, it’s the entire orthopedic system, which consists of bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and nerves that all work in concert to help you breathe, move, and even feel. But are you doing enough to more »

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Camping Safety: What You Need To Know

It’s camping season! If you and your family and friends are planning on scheduling an adventure designed to explore and enjoy the outdoors while spending quality time with your loved ones, there are a few safety tips you should know about. Between the hiking, campfire cooking, and swimming involved in these outings, orthopedic specialists urge you to take the needed more »

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