Monroe Township, New Jersey

Hip Impingement Treated Near Monroe Township, NJ

Known more formally as femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), hip impingement occurs when the ball of the upper leg bone (femoral head) pinches against the cup of the hip socket (acetabulum). The resulting friction can cause pain, inhibit range of motion, and possibly hasten the onset of osteoarthritis. Usually, the cause is an unusually shaped hip joint, which may be present at ...

Spinal Stabilization Surgery Performed Near Monroe Township, NJ

Spinal stabilization, or spinal fusion, is a type of surgery that is performed to eliminate excessive motion in the spine, which can cause neck or back pain as the vertebrae move against each other too much and the surrounding muscles, ligaments, or nerves are stretched. If you’re considering a spinal stabilization procedure, you’ll want to entrust your care to a ...

Laser Spine Surgery – An Innovative Technique Performed in Freehold & Monroe Township, NJ

For decades, spine surgeons have been utilizing laser technology along with other surgical tools to assist with the treatment of certain spine conditions, such as herniated discs. Contrary to popular belief, laser spine surgery is not a specific type of procedure. Instead, a laser is a device that a surgeon may use when performing spinal decompression surgery to remove soft ...

Kyphoplasty – A Surgical Spine Treatment Performed in Freehold & Monroe Township, NJ

Kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive surgical technique used for stabilizing a vertebral compression fracture in the spine. Often as a result of osteoporosis—an age-related condition that causes the bones to become brittle and weak—small cracks can form in a vertebral body, which is the thick bone mass at the front of a spinal vertebra. As osteoporosis progresses, cracked vertebrae can ...

Consult With a Board-Certified Orthopedic Spine Surgeon in Monroe Township, NJ

Are you being increasingly limited by neck or back pain? Have you tried medication and other conservative therapies to no avail? A spine surgeon can help you explore your surgical options for relief. At Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute (AOSMI), you can consult with a board-certified orthopedic surgeon who has fellowship training in spine surgery as well as extensive ...

Endoscopic Diskectomy Performed by Orthopedic Spine Specialists in Freehold & Monroe Township, NJ

Along with the natural aging process, degenerative changes gradually take place in the spine. The spinal discs, which serve as cushions between vertebrae, must have sufficient water content to fulfill their function. As the discs age and lose moisture, they become thinner, brittle, and prone to breakage. Disc herniation is a common condition that occurs when the outer wall of ...

Microforaminotomy Performed by Board-Certified Spine Surgeons in Freehold & Monroe Township, NJ

Spinal nerve compression is a common cause of neck and back pain. Within the spinal column, a series of sensitive nerve roots must pass through narrow channels in the vertebrae (foramina) as they branch away from the spinal cord to serve other areas of the body. The space within each foramen is very limited, and if it is encroached by ...

What Is Cauda Equina Syndrome? An Explanation From the Spine Experts in Freehold & Monroe Township, NJ

Cauda equina syndrome is a medical emergency. This serious but relatively rare condition occurs when the bundle of nerve roots (cauda equina) at the lower (lumbar) end of the spinal cord becomes compressed. Possible sources of the pressure include a lumbar herniated disc, spinal narrowing (stenosis), or a spinal fracture, infection, inflammation, or tumor. What Are the Signs of Cauda ...

Herniated Disc Treatment Available in Freehold & Monroe Township, NJ

A herniated disc is a relatively common—and sometimes painful—spine condition that occurs when the tough outer border of a spinal disc ruptures, allowing some of the disc’s inner gel-like material to seep out. In addition to causing localized irritation, the escaped disc material may press on nearby nerve tissue, which can lead to symptoms such as pain, numbness, tingling sensations, ...

Hand and Wrist Bursitis Treatment in Freehold and Monroe Township, NJ

Bursitis develops when a bursa becomes inflamed and swollen. Found near the joints in the hands and wrists—and throughout the rest of the body—bursae are small, fluid-filled sacs that serve as cushions between soft tissues and bones, helping to reduce friction during movement. Bursae can become inflamed through repetitive strain or a sudden impact. Bursitis is particularly common among individuals ...

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