Navigating Fall Sports Injuries: Basketball and Ice Skating Injury Care

As Fall wraps us in its chilly embrace, you can bet basketball courts and ice skating rinks across New Jersey are buzzing with activity. Whether you’re part of a school team, hitting the court for a bit of fun, or gliding across the ice with friends and family, these Fall sports are a great way to stay active. With all the excitement,  there’s also a chance of bumps, bruises, and sometimes more serious injuries. At AOSMI, we believe in patient education. We want to teach you about the more common Fall sports injuries, so that you are prepared and so that we can work together to get you back to your strongest self. 

Common Fall Basketball Injuries: 

Common Injuries: Some of the most common injuries in basketball are ankle sprains and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears, both of which impact performance and long-term joint health.

Causes of Injury: Ankle sprains arise from the high-impact nature of basketball, particularly during rapid direction changes or awkward landings after jumps. ACL tears are often linked to abrupt stops, pivots, or sudden directional changes, exerting stress beyond the knee joint’s normal capacity.

Treatment and Surgery: Initial treatment for ankle sprains involves the R.I.C.E. protocol (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation) to reduce swelling. ACL tears may necessitate surgical reconstruction using the patient’s tissues or grafts. At AOSMI, we are on the cutting-edge of orthopedic treatment – as such, we offer the BEAR (Bridge-Enhanced ACL Restoration) Implant that allows for natural healing without the need for grafts. 

Physical Therapy Rehabilitation: Post-surgery, physical therapy becomes pivotal in restoring strength, flexibility, and joint stability. Progressive exercises targeting muscle strength, balance, and proprioception form the core of rehabilitation, guided by physical therapists to ensure a gradual return to play, minimizing the risk of re-injury. At AOSMI, our physical therapists tailor their treatment plans to your unique injury, ensuring a personalized approach.


Common Fall Ice Skating Injuries: 

Common Injuries: Ice skaters frequently contend with fractures, particularly in vulnerable areas like the wrist and hip, because of the dynamic and sometimes acrobatic nature of the sport.

Causes of Injury: Falls on the ice, whether during jumps, spins, or routine skating, expose skaters to the risk of fractures. The hard frozen surface amplifies the impact, leading to fractures, especially in areas like the wrist and hip.

Treatment and Surgery: Immediate immobilization is important for managing fractures sustained during ice skating. Wrist fractures may require casting or splinting, while hip fractures may necessitate surgical intervention, involving plates, screws, or other fixation devices for proper alignment and stability.

Physical Therapy Rehabilitation: Rehab for ice skating injuries takes a comprehensive approach. Range-of-motion exercises are crucial for regaining flexibility, while progressive weight-bearing activities aid in rebuilding strength. Physical therapists craft tailored plans, integrating exercises that address the unique challenges of ice skating injuries, with a focus on enhancing balance, coordination, and functional movement. This personalized rehabilitation aims not only to restore functionality but also to prevent future injuries, facilitating a safe return to the ice.

By addressing the specific Fall sports injuries associated with basketball and ice skating, we aim to equip you with the knowledge needed to navigate the season safely. At AOSMI, our team is committed to providing the highest quality orthopedic and physical therapy care to our patients across New Jersey.  If you are experiencing pain or injury from these sports, please request an appointment today. We are dedicated to helping you live a healthier, stronger life.