Anterior and Posterior Hip Replacement: Exploring Your Options

When it comes to hip replacement surgery, there are different approaches available, and each has its unique advantages and considerations. At Advanced Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Institute, Dr. Joseph Tauro and Dr. Eric Buxbaum specialize in Anterior Hip Replacement, a procedure that offers a minimally invasive approach with muscle preservation. Dr. Alan Nasar specializes in Posterior Hip Replacement, an established technique with a wide range of effective applications.

Hip Osteoarthritis



Hip replacement surgery is often recommended for individuals suffering from hip conditions, with osteoarthritis of the hip being one of the most common reasons. Hip osteoarthritis, a specific type of joint condition that affects the hip, often presents through distinctive symptoms. The most common and noticeable sign is hip pain, often felt deep in the hip, thigh, or groin, sometimes radiating to the knee and worsened by activities like walking. Stiffness in the hip, typically more pronounced in the morning or after inactivity, can make it challenging to start moving or stand up. Reduced range of motion affects your ability to perform everyday tasks, while a grating sensation may occur when you move your hip. Weakness in the muscles around the hip, swelling, tenderness, and joint deformities like bone spurs or alignment changes are additional telltale signs. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, we encourage you to reach out to the orthopedic specialists at AOSMI, for accurate diagnosis and effective management, especially since early intervention can alleviate pain, improve joint strength and function, and enhance your overall quality of life. Both anterior and posterior approaches can be used to address this condition effectively.

Anterior vs. Posterior Approach

1. Anterior Hip Replacement

The anterior approach is known for its minimally invasive features and muscle preservation. During this surgery, the incision is made at the front of the hip, allowing the surgeon to access the hip joint without cutting through major muscles. The minimally invasive nature of the procedure typically results in potentially faster recovery, reduced pain, shorter hospital stays, and improved mobility.

2. Posterior Hip Replacement

The posterior approach is a well-established and longstanding technique. It involves an incision at the back of the hip. The posterior approach is versatile and can effectively address a wide range of hip conditions. Surgeons often choose this approach due to their familiarity with it and the proven outcomes it offers. This approach may also be associated with potentially lower risk of nerve injury.

Choosing Between Anterior and Posterior Hip Replacement



The choice between anterior and posterior hip replacement surgery is a critical decision, and it should be based on a thorough evaluation of the patient’s individual case. Several factors come into play, including the patient’s anatomy, the surgeon’s expertise, and the specific surgical indications. Consulting with an experienced orthopedic surgeon is crucial in this process. They can assess your condition, consider these factors, and recommend the most suitable surgical approach for your specific needs. The success of your surgery is not solely dependent on the approach but also on the expertise of your surgeon and your commitment to post-operative rehabilitation.


If you’re experiencing any of the hip pain symptoms explained above or are considering hip replacement, please request an appointment today to consult with our experienced orthopedic surgeons. Let’s work together to manage your pain and get you back to your strongest self!