fji-1Providing protection to the mobile sections of the neck and back, the Facet Joints are located in the spine and tend to develop wear and tear through age. This degeneration can become painful causing a need for Facet Joint Injections for a diagnostic or therapeutic purpose.


Facet Joint Injection types include: 

  • Medial Branch Block

A diagnostic test used to determine if Facet Joint Dysfunction has occurred. A local anesthetic is injected at the medial branch to see if pain can be temporarily blocked. If the test proves positive twice, your physician will then proceed with Facet Joint Radiofrequency Neurotomy or Ablation therapy.

  • Facet Joint Radiofrequency Neurotomy or Ablation

A probe is inserted and the temperature of the probe is turned up to 80 degrees for 60 seconds, which causes destruction of the median branch. This typically provides pain relief for 6 months to 1 year.

  • Posterior Element Facet Joint Nerve Block

A diagnostic test where local anesthetic is injected on the bony prominences at the midline of the neck and back. This is used to determine if Facet Joint Dysfunction has occurred and if proven, Facet Joint Radiofrequency Neurotomy or Ablation will be used as treatment.

  • Facet Joint Injection

A combination of corticosteroid and local anesthetic are injected to relieve pain and decrease inflammation


If you find that you are suffering from back or neck pain, it could be that you are suffering from Facet Joint Dysfunction. Contact the AOSMI pain management specialist today to schedule your consultation or call 732-720-2555.