Treatment for Knee Bursitis & Tendonitis Available Near Matawan, NJ

Knee Bursitis Matawan NJ

Knee pain can strike for a variety of reasons. Two of the most common are bursitis and tendonitis. While both conditions are caused by soft tissue inflammation, which can result from sudden trauma or repetitive movement, some key differences between them must be taken into account to ensure proper and effective treatment.

What Is Bursitis?

As your knee joint moves, many bones, muscles, and tendons come in close contact with each other. Situated at various pressure points within your joint, fluid-filled sacs (bursae) help to reduce friction during movement, allowing your knee structures to glide smoothly together without causing pain. Bursitis develops when a bursa becomes inflamed, which is usually due to overuse.

While any of the bursae in your knee joint can become inflamed, you are most likely to develop knee bursitis on the inner side of your knee or directly over your kneecap.

What Is Tendonitis?

Tendons are cord-like structures that connect your muscles to your bones to facilitate movement. Tendonitis develops after a tendon sustains tiny tears, usually due to the repetitive use of an attached muscle. As a result, the tendon may weaken and become irritated and inflamed.

Patellar tendonitis—a common type of knee tendonitis—affects the tendon that connects your kneecap (patella) to your shinbone (tibia). Also known as jumper’s knee, this overuse injury frequently affects basketball players and other athletes who perform repetitive jumping maneuvers.

Treatment Options

After evaluating your knee injury, a physician at Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute near Matawan, New Jersey, may diagnose you with knee bursitis or tendonitis. For both conditions, the main goal of treatment is to reduce painful inflammation. Typically, we suggest PRICE therapy, which involves protection, rest, ice applications, compression, and elevation. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be helpful for pain relief if needed. Also, because both conditions often result from repetitive use, a key component of treatment is identifying and modifying the contributing activities.

Additionally, to address knee bursitis, aspiration (removal of the fluid) or a corticosteroid injection may be suggested. If aspiration is not appropriate or the fluid continues to build up afterward, surgery may be considered to drain the fluid from or completely remove the inflamed bursa.

If you have pain or swelling in your knee, request an appointment with a knee specialist at Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute near Matawan, NJ. We can provide an accurate diagnosis and explain your treatment options for bursitis or tendonitis. Contact us today.