Effective EPAT Shockwave Therapy Services for Edison, NJ, Residents

Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute (AOSMI) is your premier destination for orthopedic and sports injury care near Edison, New Jersey. We are pleased to offer extracorporeal pulse activation technology (EPAT) shockwave therapy as part of our comprehensive orthopedic medicine treatments.

How EPAT Shockwave Therapy Works for You

EPAT therapy uses sound waves to stimulate blood circulation and promote the regeneration of damaged tissue. Whether you’re seeking relief from chronic pain, sports injuries, or orthopedic conditions, this therapy works to enhance your body’s natural healing mechanisms. This non-invasive treatment accelerates the healing process for a range of musculoskeletal conditions, including:

  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Shin splints
  • Acute or chronic pain
  • Stress fractures

There are three distinct advantages to EPT shockwave therapy over surgical interventions for these types of injuries and conditions:

  1. No anesthesia necessary – EPAT therapy eliminates the need for anesthesia or medication, offering a safer and more comfortable experience for our patients.
  2. Reduced infection risk – Since it’s a non-invasive procedure, EPAT shockwave therapy significantly reduces the risk of infection compared to surgery.
  3. Accelerated healing and improved outcomes – EPAT shockwave therapy typically leads to superior outcomes, with patients experiencing faster and more efficient healing, when compared to surgical interventions.

Choose AOSMI for a Pain-Free Life

AOSMI is your trusted partner in orthopedic healthcare. Our EPAT shockwave therapy redefines the standards of recovery, emphasizing results and patient satisfaction. Experience the difference with AOSMI as we lead you on the path to a healthier, more active life in Edison, NJ. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.