Tips for Sticking with Your 2016 Fitness Resolutions

Individuals who have successfully made hitting the gym a part of their lifestyle often bemoan the sudden influx of newcomers at their usually empty gym in January. They know, however, that the crowds will dissipate soon enough as New Year’s Resolutions slowly give way to old habits for most. But it is possible to make your 2016 fitness resolutions stick. Consider the following tips to keep yourself on track.

  • Be Realistic. Whether you are aiming to lose a certain number of pounds or to acquire a new level of physical ability, don’t set yourself up to fail by setting the bar too high. Even if you have a long way to go to achieve your goal, remember you have all year to make it happen.Untitled design (19)
  • Pace Yourself, Don’t Race Yourself. Think of the changes you are making as a marathon and not a sprint. If you push too hard at the beginning, you will get burnt out and give up like many others who set fitness resolutions.
  • Upgrade Your Reset Button. Everyone has off days. The trick is not to let one bad day derail your efforts completely. If you fail to stick with your fitness resolution, just start over again. The sooner you reset, the easier it will be to get back on track.
  • Reward Yourself. Keeping your commitments to yourself is a reward in and of itself, as are the benefits of sticking to a fitness routine. Still, our brain is more likely to repeat behavior when it is rewarded. Give yourself something you really like and look forward to for each week you meet your fitness goals.

Consult with your medical professional before beginning any new physical activity, and to help you determine what your personal 2016 Fitness Resolutions should be. Our team of orthopedic professionals, sports medicine and wellness experts, and nutritionists are here to help – contact us to request an appointment or learn more!