Cubital Tunnel Syndrome, otherwise known as ulnar nerve entrapment, happens when the ulnar nerve experiences increasing pressure or compression. Have you’ve ever bumped your elbow against a hard surface and felt a sharp stinging pain, otherwise known as hitting your ‘funny bone’? That’s your ulnar nerve in action.
Second after Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Cubital Tunnel Syndrome is the most common nerve compression that happens in the arm. The ulnar nerve can be found in a small tunnel of this in the elbow, also known as the cubital tunnel and can be compressed when your elbow is bent. This pressure on your ulnar nerve can cause a considerable amount of pain or discomfort, and may get to the point where you could lose the function of your hand (dominant or nondominant). In general, men are more likely to be affected by Cubital Tunnel Syndrome than women. People with jobs that have them doing repetitive elbow movements and prolonged elbow flexion are even more likely to experience Cubital Tunnel Syndrome.
You might have Cubital Tunnel Syndrome if you feel a numbness and/or pins and needles from the inside of your forearm to your hand. Typical symptoms of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome include; tenderness on the inside of your elbow, pain or numbness after keeping your elbow bent for a long period of time, and a difficulty in feeling the difference between sharp and dull objects when they touch the inside of your forearm. If Cubital Tunnel Syndrome goes untreated these are some symptoms you might experience; clumsy hands, having the small muscles of the hands waste away, and something known as ulnar claw hand which is when your fingers bend inwards.
If you find yourself experiencing any of these symptoms be sure to contact an orthopedic specialist. Make an appointment today with the Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute for a NJ pain management specialist.