Celebrating Athletic Trainers: More Than Just Ice and Tape

March is National Athletic Trainers Month, and at AOSMI, we’re proud to recognize and celebrate the invaluable contributions of athletic trainers everywhere. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to the many ATs who have trusted us with their care and the care of their athletes. A special shoutout goes to our very own Kristen Gross, Business Development Manager and former athletic trainer, whose passion and experience continue to shape the way we serve our community.

Many people associate athletic trainers with taping ankles and applying ice packs. While these are certainly part of the job, athletic trainers are highly educated, board-certified, skilled healthcare professionals who play a significant role in the broader healthcare landscape, extending their impact beyond the sports arena. From injury prevention and rehabilitation to emergency care, an athletic trainer is an essential part of the healthcare team, read on to learn more about how Athletic Trainers (ATs) impact the healthcare industry.

Injury Prevention and Wellness:

  • ATs are focused in developing and implementing injury prevention programs. This proactive approach reduces the incidence of musculoskeletal injuries, which can lead to long-term health problems and healthcare costs.
  • They promote overall wellness through education on topics like nutrition, hydration, and proper exercise techniques.

Primary Care and Immediate Care:

  • ATs are often the first healthcare professionals on the scene when an injury occurs. Their ability to assess and provide immediate care is crucial in minimizing the severity of injuries.
  • They contribute to primary care by providing initial evaluations and referrals to other healthcare providers when necessary.

Rehabilitation and Return to Activity:

  • ATs design and implement rehabilitation programs to help individuals recover from injuries and return to their normal activities. This care is valuable not only for athletes but also for individuals recovering from work-related injuries or other musculoskeletal conditions.
  • They play a key role in facilitating a safe return to activity, preventing re-injury and promoting long-term health.

Expanding Healthcare Access:

  • Their presence in these settings helps to alleviate the burden on other healthcare professionals, such as physicians and physical therapists.
  • While their name is “athletic” trainer, they do work with many different populations. They work in industrial settings, with performing arts, and in clinical settings. Therefore their knowledge of musculoskeletal injuries, and rehabilitation, is used in many different healthcare settings.

Athletic trainers are more than just sideline heroes; they are essential healthcare providers who play a vital role in keeping us healthy and active. Let’s celebrate their contributions and recognize their dedication this Athletic Training Month and beyond.