National Arthritis Awareness Month Is Here

With more than 50 million Americans (one in five adults) suffering from the chronic pain of Arthritis, May has been named National Arthritis Awareness Month. Why all the recognition? Arthritis is the number one cause of disability in our country and affects over 300,000 families. While commonly recognized, little is still understood about the illness and most do not understand more »

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Opening Day: How to Get your Body Ready for Baseball Season

Baseball season has officially opened. Local teams are forming, stadiums are filling up, and professional games are on TV every night; it’s every baseball fan’s favorite time of year. If you like to play the game as well as spectate, then it’s also the time of year when you start thinking seriously about your fitness and game readiness. Stay Active more »

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Marathon Training: On The Move With A Mission

Running a marathon is an incredible undertaking requiring discipline, passion, and lots and lots of preparation. For all the hard work that goes into preparing your body to run a marathon, the sense of accomplishment when you cross the finish line–for the first time or the fiftieth–is unmatched. If you are new to marathon training, take these suggestions to ensure more »

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Hiking Safety 101

Walking on the treadmill in the gym, confined to the indoors, can get boring very fast. In order to make exercise a habit, it has to be enjoyable and fun. Hiking is a fantastic way to increase cardiovascular exercise while soaking in the fresh air and sunshine of the outdoors. The uneven surface of an outdoor trail engages more muscle more »

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Orthopedic Wellness: Preparing for Gym Activity

It’s time for spring cleaning, and perhaps you’ve noticed that carrying boxes and scrubbing the floors leaves you more fatigued and achy than you remember? Maybe you’ve simply decided that you want to start taking a more proactive approach to total wellness by working out. But where do you begin, and how do you make sure you’re following a plan more »

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Simple Movements To Relieve Body Pain

Whether you’re recovering from a sports injury or are simply experiencing the annoyances of physical pain from the daily grind of day to day living, there are a few simple movements you can try to help relieve your pain. As contrary as it seems, stretching is your saving grace when it comes to dealing with physical pain. Here we offer more »

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Understanding Musculoskeletal Health: What You Need To Know

Musculoskeletal health refers to the overall health of the muscles and bones that comprise your body’s systems. Understanding the key elements that go into keeping your musculoskeletal system in working order is key to preventing sports injury, body pain, and illness. Our team of New Jersey orthopedic surgeons has comprised a short list of what you need to know about more »

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In Motion: Good Nutrition May Keep You Warm in the Cold Too

With the changing of the seasons and the accompanying drop in the temperature outside, many athletes flock to the ski slopes, the ice rink, and the mountainside seeking outdoor adventure and fitness. Exercising in cold weather presents several unique nutritional challenges. Taking a few simple precautions can help maximize performance and keep athletes healthy and allow them to safely achieve more »

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Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Therapy (EPAT)

Pain, fatigue, and disrupted sleep are among the unpleasant–and potentially even debilitating–symptoms of musculoskeletal pain. The condition can be caused by injury, poor posture, or repetitive motion. It’s not uncommon, but can become so severe that it interferes with normal work, social, and family activities.  Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Therapy (EPAT) is among the fastest acting, least invasive means of alleviating more »

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Antibiotic Prophylaxis after Total Joint Replacement (TJR)

“Hey Doc, how come you’re prescribing antibiotics for me prior to dental work, when my dentist told me that is an old practice?” The use of antibiotics as prophylaxis, disease prevention agent, prior to dental work on patients after a total joint replacement (TJR), has been an issue of confusion among patients, doctors and dentists. Traditionally, orthopedic surgeons recommend coverage more »

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