Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Therapy (EPAT)

Pain, fatigue, and disrupted sleep are among the unpleasant–and potentially even debilitating–symptoms of musculoskeletal pain. The condition can be caused by injury, poor posture, or repetitive motion. It’s not uncommon, but can become so severe that it interferes with normal work, social, and family activities.  Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Therapy (EPAT) is among the fastest acting, least invasive means of alleviating more »

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Linda Navas

Linda is a busy wife, mom and an AOSMI employee.  She has been dealing with difficulty sleeping, fatigue and the inability to lose weight.  Linda has tried every diet on the market.  “I am the person that follows every diet correctly. And I don’t lose any weight!”  Linda was frustrated and decided to meet with Dr. Neil Paulvin.  Dr. Paulvin more »

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