Autumn Sports Care Tips


With the return of school and more reasonable weather, so returns the increased potential for Fall sports injuries. Maybe it’s the pressure of competition, or just the result of sitting in classes or at a desk all day followed by intense activity, but somehow, children and adults alike suffer more injuries. The good news is that these injuries tend to decline as we all adjust, usually around November. But what else can be done to prevent or remediate this proclivity?

  • Get a Checkup: There’s a reason schools require a yearly physical prior to allowing students to partake in sports. Underlying medical conditions may not be obvious when a child feels only marginally worse on a daily basis, but a doctor seeing her or him annually may notice specific or significant changes.
  • Don’t Skip the Small Stuff: Warmups and cooldowns aren’t the most exciting part of participating in sports, but they do help to reduce the chance of injury. Kids and adults alike are often guilty of rushing on to the next task without properly cooling down, but this step is essential!
  • Stay Strong: Supervised strength training and conditioning off the field of your sport can not only improve your abilities, but also reduce your risk of sustaining a serious injury. Overall fitness can also decrease recovery time if you do get injured.
  • Eat, Drink, and Stay Healthy: It’s easy to remember to stay hydrated in the summer bu,t in cooler weather, it’s still crucial to take regular breaks to drink. Sticking to frequent healthy meals can also help your energy levels stay consistent–avoiding fatigue that can lead to injury.
  • Use the Right Tools for the Job: Having well-maintained equipment can make a major difference when it comes to safety. Hand-me-downs are fine for shirts, but not for helmets.

All of the tips we’ve talked about come down to one thing: exercise common sense when it comes to fall exercise and sports. Unfortunately, not every injury can be foreseen or prevented.  Accidents happen. That’s when it becomes important to choose the right orthopedic specialist or New Jersey orthopedic surgeon from the Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute. For more information about staying healthy year-round, visit our blog or call 732.720.2555 today!