Herniated Disc Treatment From Spine Specialists Practicing Near Lakewood, NJ

Athletic woman pressing on her painful lower back

A herniated disc may or may not be painful. If this common spine condition produces symptoms, it is usually because displaced disc material is pressing on the spinal cord or a sensitive nerve root. In addition to neck or back pain, a compressed spinal nerve can cause muscle weakness, numbness, and tingling sensations that radiate down an arm or leg. On the other hand, if a herniated disc is not interfering with any nerves, it may not cause any discomfort at all.

If you are experiencing symptoms that could be related to a herniated disc, you can receive an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment from a spine specialist at Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute (AOSMI) near Lakewood, New Jersey. After thoroughly evaluating your condition through a physical examination and imaging studies, we can suggest a customized treatment plan to help you feel better.

How Is a Herniated Disc Treated?

When herniated disc treatment is needed, the optimal approach can vary depending on several factors, including the severity of the symptoms and the location of the nerve compression. In many cases, the discomfort will improve on its own within several weeks. In the meantime, we can suggest some conservative therapies to enhance comfort, such as:

  • A short period of rest
  • Avoidance of activities that cause or worsen the pain
  • Postural improvement
  • Low-impact exercises
  • Ice pack applications
  • Massage therapy
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Prescription medication, such as a muscle relaxant
  • Epidural steroid injections

Because herniated disc symptoms often resolve without surgical treatment, we generally advise our patients to try all non-surgical options—and to give those treatments sufficient time to work (up to three months)—before considering any type of surgery, which is generally considered a last resort for addressing severe discomfort.

Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Center provides individuals and referring physicians in the Lakewood, NJ, area, with convenient access to a center of excellence for spine conditions. If you’d like to learn more about our herniated disc treatment options, contact us today to schedule a consultation.