
Non-Invasive Treatments: Recovery Without The Hassle

Non-Invasive Treatments from Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute treats the pain associated with chronic conditions ranging from joint problems and muscular complaints to chronic headache and back pain. AOSMI’s Integrative Health and Wellness Center  treats your orthopedic pain through non-invasive treatments including: osteopathic manipulation, acupuncture, kinesio taping, the Graston technique, and physical therapy. Any one of these integrative medicine options, or a combination of multiple treatments, can have an enormous impact on your day to day pain level. Call us today to learn more about what these treatments involve and the effects they can have on your specific injury or orthopedic condition.

Integrative Medicine Techniques for Orthopedic Injuries

Integrative medicine operates on the premise that your body is more than the sum of its parts. The specialists at our Integrative Health and Wellness Center understand the intricate balance of mind and body, and have spent years studying the latest holistic medicine practices. Our center’s services include nutritional counseling and supplements, craniosacral therapy and massage therapy.

Holistic Medicine and the Big Picture

Holistic medicine is increasingly gaining recognition in mainstream medical circles. Acupuncture, in particular, has gained momentum and respect in the United States. Over thousands of years, this ancient technique has been practiced to treat many medical issues. The primary goal is to regulate your health through balancing the body’s qi (or energy flow). Once the body is balanced, healing is more likely to take place. Holistic techniques are not limited to acupuncture, however. Massage therapy and Kinesio taping can bring athletes back from the injury bench in record time, while pain creams and nutritional supplements aid patients in achieving total body health and a vastly increased quality of life. Our integrative medicine specialists are eager to sit down and walk you through the pros and cons of each of these methods. Call us today at 732-720-2555!


To learn more about our non-invasive methods at AOSMI, contact us today.